mardi 29 mars 2016

A definition of the word "anti-hero" in URBAN DICTIONARY

The anti-hero is the hero who does the right thing, albeit with tactics that aren't always what you would call ethical. They are more interested in getting the job done than in doing it as virtuously as possible, therefore showing how morally ambiguous they are. The anti-hero has become more popular with society today because people can identify better with the good-guy who sometimes does the not-so-good things; the hero who does no wrong is outdated and is becoming increasingly irrelevant in this day and age. They are the product of a society in which the line between good and bad is becoming harder to tell.

4 Things Dexter Taught Me About Writing Antiheroes

 An easy and fun article to read :

Antihero: What Dexter Taught Me About Writing Antiheroes


Villains Do It Better: Why This Generation Is Obsessed With The Anti-Hero

Think about your favorite television shows. Think about your favorite character. Is he a power-hungry politician? Is he maybe a motorcycle gang member, or is he a narcissistic philanderer in ad sales? Do you root for the man cooking the meth or the DEA agent trying to stop him? Do you root for the savior or the criminal?
Our generation has entered into a new era, which many are deeming “The Golden Age” or “The Dawn” of television. And with this Golden Age comes a new type of character — a new leading role — that’s been the staple piece of almost every Emmy-nominated program. It’s the man who lies and cheats. It’s the woman who trades sex for favors, deals weed in gated communities and sleeps with married men. It is the anti-hero.
The anti-hero is the protagonist who does not have the traditional qualities of the admirable leading man or woman. He or she lacks courage, kindness and nobility, but most notably, moral goodness. It’s a character wrought with flaws and demons, disregarding the normal societal processes for his or her own agenda. It’s become a compelling phenomenon based on the concept that we are rooting for someone who is violating everything we’ve ever known as right.
The best example of the anti-hero archetype is “Breaking Bad.” The AMC series was the first national celebration of the anti-hero since “The Sopranos.” An entire nation was found rooting for a meth lord who turned to murder and betrayal to keep his empire functioning. We watch the dissolution of his marriage, friendships and career in an attempt to gain power and wealth.
We watched him turn from an acquiescent chemistry teacher to a power-hungry drug dealer and still never faltered in our allegiance and devotion to him. It’s a strange thing when you step away from the man you’ve been idolizing and look at him as who he really is: a criminal, a madman and villain.
As a whole, we have come to celebrate the reign of the flawed men and women who stand in the spotlight. From “Breaking Bad,” “American Horror Story,” “The Sopranos,” “Girls,” “Boardwalk Empire,” almost every show we love is led by a flawed character — a man or woman with questionable actions and motives — always self-serving and determined to succeed at any cost.
We follow these characters throughout their journeys: their quests for redemption, fame, fortune and love — the same common goals we find ourselves longing after. And like ourselves, we see the selfishness that comes with attaining goals and dreams. We watch other people commit betrayal and wrongdoing that comes with human nature.
Unlike the shows of our parents’ generation, when the main characters were examples of the ideal American citizen, housewife, husband or child, these main characters are the undesirables, the flawed and the evil that encompasses the true American culture, not just projections of what we want it to be.
But why do we love them? Why do we find ourselves rooting for the ones who steal, lie and cheat? Why do we support the ones who sell meth and murder innocents? The ones who betray their lovers, alienate their friends and get even at any cost. What does this say about us?
It says we’re realistic; we understand the true fabric of what makes this country great, the flaws of the people and their selfish motives. We live in an age of divorce, corruption and celebrity meltdowns, realizing at a young age that no one is perfect and watching someone perfect isn’t what we want to see. We want to see the people like us, the people with flaws and mixed morals. We want to watch the people who don’t know how to behave correctly all the time and don’t always make the morally correct decision.
We love them because it’s cathartic to love them. They make us feel better about those lies we told and those acts of betrayal. We don’t feel so bad about our own mistakes and flaws when we see others doing the same.
Here’s why the anti-hero is the most relateable character on TV today:

They’re Flawed Like We Are

They’re Complex

Life isn’t simple and neither are we. We are all racked with insecurities, demons and regrets. We like to watch people with emotions and hardships like ours. We expect the characters that we’ve invested so much time in to have the same complex emotions as ourselves. A housewife who is always chipper and happy isn’t realistic; we can’t relate to her.

They’re Strong

Like the hero, the anti-hero is also strong, even if he doesn’t have the same moral grounding. He is determined, not letting anything get in his way, which usually is what leads him to take the immoral path. We respect the anti-hero because he demands respect. He is a force to be reckoned with.

Their Intentions Are Admirable

While their actions may be questionable, their motives are always pure. In the case of Walter White, the chemistry teacher only took to meth dealing to provide for his family in a time of need. Though his actions were corrupt, his motives were pure. As Machiavelli pointed out, the ends justify the means, right?

Lauren Martin,, Dec 2013



dimanche 20 mars 2016


1. Use the following link to find out about "Resilient cities" , a good website to help you talk about urban living in the future - IDEA OF PROGRESS

2. This worksheet will help you  select the information you need to discuss this topic


1. What is a resilent city ? To find out, click on 100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation

Ø  What organization initiated the program ?

Ø  What is the goal of the program?

Ø  How is “URBAN RESILIENCE” defined?

Ø  Examples of “chronic stresses” and “acute shcocks’ that cities have to withstand

2. RESILIENT NEW ORLEANS: click on the link
Ø  Adapt to thrive (= to prosper) : definition of the concept + 2or 3 examples

Ø  Connect to opportunity : definition of the concept + 2or 3 examples

Ø  Transform city system: definition of the concept + 2or 3 examples

mardi 8 mars 2016


Check out the following links to prepare your oral presentation

8 ideas for the future of cities

7 Futuristic floating cities that could save humanity

Japan Releases Plans For Futuristic Underwater Cities By 2030

This Futuristic Floating City Could Become A Reality In China

10 Cities That Are Shaping The Future Of Urban Living

Tiny House Movement: Affordable Housing Revolution