dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Progress- Some useful vocabulary to discuss environmental issues


an environmental issue
an environmentalist = un écologiste

wind power = énergie éolienne
solar power
a wind turbine = une éolienne
renewable energy
sustainable development = durable
to save energy / to waste energy = économiser/gaspiller

an eco-friendly measure, solution, initiative, product = ,,, respectueux de l'environement

a shortage of , a scarcity of = pénurie
scarce = rare

climate change
global warming
a heatwave = vague de chaleur
greenhouse effect = effet de serre
a drought = sêcheresse
a flood = inondation
to be flooded = être inondé
to melt / to thaw = fondre
rising sea levels la montée du nvieau de la mer
the sea levels are rising: le niveu de,,, monte
the melting of the icecaps = fonte de la calotte glaciaire
the icecaps are melting: sont en train de fondre

a natural disaster (earthquake, tsunami, flooding)
a man-made disaster = catastrophe provoquée par l'homme,
human activity
an environmental disaster (oil spill = marée noire...)
an endangered (animal) species = espèces en voie de disparition
to become extinct / to disapppear = être en voie de disparition
to jeopardise / to endanger = mettre en danger

harmful = nocif, néfaste (harmless = inoffensif)

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